Sunday, November 7, 2010

Baby Oil Or Baby Powder After Brazilian

Vidéobuzz: The hero of "Fight Club" took a big hit with old !

The First Rule of Fight Club is "We do not talk about Fight Club."

This rule comes from the cult movie "Fight club" of 1999 film by David Fincher, the director of "The Social Network" in theaters now. We never really knew the reasons for the confidentiality of this rule. But in light of video that I just found, we understand why ...

Indeed, it is not just "Back to the Future" which is entitled to an output event on Blu-Ray , Fight Club is entitled to an outlet on the same support for mark its 10th anniversary.

On this occasion, an advertisement was released showing one of the many scenes of the cult film. The role of Jack and Tyler Durden is no longer played by Edward Norton and Brad Pitt but ... two old people in a retirement home!
Although the costumes and dialogue are the same as in the film, the shift of the cast is hilarious and it is almost like a sketch Groland.

And for those who do not have the scene in question in mind, here's the original in the 51st minute 46 seconds and 2:

To all those (like me) who are fans of this film, finish on a riddle:

Would you be able to give me the 8 rules of Fight Club
without going on Google?


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