an aside: Given special relationship existed between Emile and Louis, I will not mention the rudeness of the further aspect basely emoluments of my quest. No stories in price between friends.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Repair Cat Scratch On Wood Door Frame
an aside: Given special relationship existed between Emile and Louis, I will not mention the rudeness of the further aspect basely emoluments of my quest. No stories in price between friends.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Is It Worth It To Straighten Teeth
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Calgary Auto Quest Reviews
Once dead the dead couple and the illusions that went with it, if the story was long enough to have gained experience and especially if the heterogeneous mixture was allowed to fruit in the form of offspring Once satisfied with the instinct of reproduction, therefore, we should finally have a clear understanding and ability to draw knowing the profile of an "other" ideal. But according to formula, so now we know what we do not, we still do not know exactly what we want. We will therefore continue to proceed by elimination to draw the sketch of a loved one but you want by adding additional criteria disqualifying corresponding to unacceptable defects that we met with our ex.
In fact, we discriminate purely and simply, and we have more experience, the more we discriminate and, logically, the more we discriminate the more we reduce our chances of finding.
Take a random example: Imagine a male, divorced, early fifties, and living in the Prince -De-France with his two adult children.
an era discrimination: Our subject is wary of too large age differences in the couple will be limited to women aged 45 to 49 years, which still represents 2,213,590 women of our beautiful country ( Population by sex and detailed age at 1 st January 2010. INSEE downloadable there ).
2 nd discrimination: "Out of sight, away from the heart!" About Us delineate his hunting ground contours Island De-France. This region has 11,598,866 inhabitants, or 18.47% of 62,793,432 inhabitants.
Therefore, livestock present on the hunting ground of our subject is reduced to 18.47% of the 2,213,590 women enumerated in the previous chapter, either: 408,882 women.
hunting ground
3 rd discrimination: Already father of two children last major, the topic does not at all to engage in new fatherhood. Now he knows from experience that a woman who had no children will be angry (always the instinct of reproduction) before the menopause has put a final end to his hopes. He therefore sought a female of the species living alone and having already procreated.
By crossing these two tables, we can determine that these women represent 9.2% of 22,295,753 adult French women (I did not write "major"). Let
back to our flock of 408,882 women, a score of 37,617 single women that will not break our legs about their desire for motherhood.
There is a time for everything ...
4 th Discrimination: More than 37,000 women is huge I tell you. Yes but now, all these women, I remind you, are aged 45 to 49, how physically attractive? Most women do not age well, and our subject is still not ready to enter any ugly! You think I exaggerate? Take a test in a public space, station, street, supermarket and you'll see that out of twenty women in this age group, you'll be lucky if you find one drinking. Come on, one in twenty is well paid and that gives us 5% of our 37,617 or 1,881 women, which is still considerable.
5 th discrimination: We're here looking for a partner sentimental and not a simple "one night stand". This will require that the fair is also an intellectual level in line with that of our subject. Now in our example, it would appear that the subject has a IQ above 130. It does seem to say anything like that but in this case, there are only 1.93% of women who could deal on an equal footing with him on this ground that, applied to 1,881 candidates, leaving only 36 elected. Fewer people laughing there!
As my guru, Philippe , "genius is male!"
6 th discrimination: Again, are you thinking? Yes still discrimination, but it is not because of our subject. If it is reasonable to assume that only 5% of women in this age group are physically attractive to our subject, nothing guarantees that he will appeal to these women. To avoid sinking into misogyny most primitive (not my kind ...), it would be fair to estimate that conversely, it will appeal only 5% of these 36 women either ... only 2 women physically and intellectually compatible throughout the Ile-de-France .
Finally, he found more easily bitch with big tits!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Color Chart Paul Mitchell And Wella
My previous text is definitely misleading (indeed, this is not my text). The nightmarish vision of women to work outside is as exaggerated as the idyllic vision of the housewife. Before harvesting vegetables from the garden had to spend hours at work and whether unions lasted longer in the past, this does not mean they were synonymous with happiness (neither one nor the other, by the way).
However, this text is not totally free of certain truths, to me at least:
1 / The status of the housewife has been devalued to the point that gives a picture of a gourd or of lazy women "inactive". Yet a well kept home is the foundation of a harmonious couple, even if some household tasks may be entrusted to an external provider, it will never replace the "hostess". It may make your home clean and orderly, but never warm. All things being equal, a man much prefer a woman knowing simmer a dish rather than ruling over-booked.
2 ° / The roles of men and women have seriously complicated as and when the emancipation of the latter. To resume use of the current newspeak, it's a lose-lose situation. By mimicking male behavior, women have also recovered the flaws. their consumption of alcohol and especially tobacco tends to closer to that of men with adverse consequences that implies. An effect of stress?
Beyond a detrimental effect on their health, working women have also discovered an unintended consequence related to their new status: the difficulty in finding a partner.
This little dialogue between "Executive Woman" (EW) "Sexy Friend" (SF) in the pool just illustrate this difficulty. I'm not saying that is EG, you can easily find:
(Note: Especially for MCM: you can enlarge images by clicking on it.)
EW: Pete did not called. I was good and nice to him but it did not work. It did not work either with the other men I loved and wanted to meet recently.
SF: I think you know what your problem. Once the man of your date realizes you're an executive who earns over 250,000 a year, they stop seeing you.
( EG: Yes, I know the phrase from the singular to the plural ending ...)
SF: Men seem to be afraid of powerful women. I guess that makes them feel powerless in the relationship.
EW: is true and there is no need to go that far. Once they see my Mercedes Benz I never hear about them.
SF: I guess they feel they are the main providers and they have control of their families, so they feel they have control of their lives.
EW: is amazing as our limbic system or mammalian brain, controls our cortex and dominates our rational thinking to this day. I do not know what to do.
SF: Well you'd better buy a car more dated, to wear head of cheaper without losing your sexy side. Tell them that the role you play in your company is not so important. Give yourself more dependent without losing your independence. Over time they will feel safer with you and their primitive brain will stop feeling threatened and begin to see things from a different perspective. If they feel that you respect and that you will not leave them because they make less money and also that you support them in their life decisions, their brains chimpanzee feel reassured, calm and they will stop the fighting or attempts leakage.
( EG: I worry fuck me brains of chimpanzees. Allez hop, soup served hot and on time ... and in corset and high heels!)
Accepatble Bilirubin Levels
"Do not give up, it is so fragile ... "
I was not sure how to translate "corpiño" so I looked for images
Someone else joins me?
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Brother Printer Wireless Troubleshooting
"Seduction (Latin is ducere: "lead to self") means one hand a pipe or a social process designed to generate admiration, attraction or love of one or more other people for himself (the active sense: seduce), and secondly the state of People experiencing this attraction (passive sense: being seduced). "
In light of this explanation I can say with certainty that in my case, the answer to the first question is undoubtedly yes. I write as to arouse admiration, attraction and even love of others (and myself, but that's another topic).
But if blogging is seduced, how far can this deception? The author who chooses to give a more intimate tone in his writings reinforces the seductive side of his approach, especially if the author is a woman and especially if this woman seems to be physically attractive to male readers. (Sorry for homos, I'm not going to decline by all possible sex pairings for the sole purpose of being politically correct)
Tarantino has the meaning of the image (too bad he is often associated with a poor screenplay).
Rest In Peace
Friday, November 26, 2010
Calculator Possible Combinations
Hi to all readers of this blog. This will be the last post in my blog ... On the Blogspot hosting provider. I assure you, my blog continues, but now it is hosted on OverBlog.
I persuaded by Jess the webmaster (-ordinator?) Blog "The Inconvenient Blonde" (which I encourage you to visit). From what I understand, basically, is like Blogspot Overblog this detail except that I could be paid in royalties. I'll have me do a little hand on this site for which I get all the workings of this site but it is certain that today, if you still want to see my articles, is now at:
Free Cruises Timeshare
I had heard during the strike projectionists early July but it has been there a few weeks, the coils have disappeared from the UGC, now replaced by files computer from a digital projector.
Some say it's the march of progress but also the end of a long time and it is always sad. So I do
will not be fatalistic: yes, in a digital projection, the image is sharper. Yes, the time between the end of pubs and the beginning of the film is reduced to 3 seconds. And yes, in a few months, I would have probably done.
But still, it bothers me on three points: First
, a coil, since it was created, it's bound to 200% film. While a digital screening, for me it connoted "video" and it gives me the impression of coming from someone who has a great home theater.
Second, even if the image is sharp, in a film subtitled in VO, the contours pixellisent letters a bit. And Pixel, it reminds the computer. Again, the distance from the film.
Finally, it removes a good dose of glamor and human part to the cinema knowing that his back is no longer a projectionist who is ensuring the proper screening of the film but a software engineer who has to work from his office in miles of where it should probably handle multiple rooms at the same time ... It has already turned cashiers and replacing them with machines, it has now withdrawn projectionists. So I bet that the next jump will be sellers of popcorn that will be replaced by distributors ...
It's sad when just the end of an era. But as Eddy Mitchell sang:
"It was really good childhood
But this is the last sequence
And the curtain fell on the screen "
Thursday, November 25, 2010
How To Trade Pokemon On Kigb Emulator
Valentin rises, it is 6 hours. He turned off the alarm on the first ring, as usual. In the next bed, Gertrude has only vaguely muttered before falling asleep again. Valentin left the room without turning on the light. He knows by heart the location of each pad, each and every toy trinkets that increase the intimacy of this room.
Thomas unpacks everything: children who hate him because "their mother had conspired against" him, the charges of sexual touching up the paltry sum of money which he has a month to live.
Like all "anti-feminist," he was warned by text message that morning from a course designed to cover their tracks. "9 am 15 at the Zurich Airport, Terminal A. Sign "Seminar Egala. Take identity papers. "
The journalists agreed in writing not to disclose the place of rendezvous, nor the identity of participants. Each was then delivered as a route deep in the countryside.
Why so many precautions? Because of threats made by "leftist groups". Because the tags spray in the first village where the meeting was to take place, Uitikon.
There, seven speakers, all active associations in defense of battered men, abused or simply plucked from their wives, share 150 participants (including 8 women). Ubiquitous, the founder of antifeminist, Rene Kuhn, former politician UDC Lucerne, always accompanied by his beautiful Russian wife, Oksana. During
than downtown a few anti-anti-feminist activists demonstrate against the congress, discussions here revolve around the rights of divorced fathers and especially "feminist conspiracy". This lobby is so powerful that he managed to give more rights to women than men. "Equality is dead, we must fix it urgently!" Proclaims George Zimmermann of the German Association for the Defence of divorced men.
At 16 hours, the congress ended peacefully, Rene Kuhn is proud of his coup: he would never have succeeded in bringing together so many people without provocation is that the term anti-feminist. "
Valentine smiled, shaking
Monday, November 22, 2010
How To Make A Small Wooden Catapult
We continue to assess the best and worst movies as we did yesterday with the worst film purposes.
Today, if we must talk about something that does not like the movies is ... you! You viewers. Yes, because when in a room, it goes wrong, it is inevitably the fault of the other that comes to disturb you. This skit Site CollegeHumor illustrates the problem:
Bon concern with this video is that it is American. Now there is a French equivalent to this type of pain in the ass not very nice people, the character in the Super Asshole SAV emissions of Omar and Fred. Super Asshole because it acts everywhere in films (at 37 seconds into the video):
And in December, we may even find Super Asshole declined in comics and drawn by Al Covial.
Super Asshole we can see now we interfere in the cinema.
After realizing all this, it is not surprising that when a new film out to the movies, people prefer to download illegal ...
Hunting Public Land In Michigan
Lately, people from writing The Post made themselves out by saying that the best in a film, it was the beginning then the end, then the generic ...
But personally, I think that by dint of scatter, they have missed the point. The best in movie, sometimes it is not in the movie is the teaser.
In order to sell us a movie, use this tool which is the promotional trailer montage giving an overview of the film and cast. However, prior to advertisement To this soundtrack, there is the teaser of the English verb meaning Tease tease. The teaser suggests more than it reveals, and so the developer can fully enjoy playing the card of mystery, humor or irony in what he reveals the film ...
is a small selection of these completely subjective trailers like no other.
1. We know the song (1997)
This film by Alain Resnais brings together a fine cast regulars with the filmmaker (Sabine Azema, Andre Dussolier, Pierre Arditi ...). But this film is primarily a concept regularly in the film, the characters start to sing songs to express themselves, not with their voices as in a musical but playback singing in the original song.
To keep the surprise of the original concept and original in French cinema, the director has issued a teaser which incorporates the principle completely opposite: the actors no longer sing in playback singing but without recite song lyrics with their own voices .
2. Austin Powers 2 - The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999)
is the highly anticipated new installment of a franchise famous ... that comes at the same time (just weeks) another episode of a franchise well known ... Namely: Star Wars - Episode 1: The Phantom Menace . Rather than worry about this, Mike Myers instead prefers to emphasize the same joke over and with what appears to be Darth Vader. Except ...
So this teaser so we sold the film under the slogan: "If you do a movie this summer, see Star Wars. But if you go see two movies: Check out Austin Powers! ". Enough air, I think.
3. Auntie Danielle (1989)
Here the teaser is minimalist. A simple voice-over reads a classified ad to put the story (which can take care of Auntie Danielle?). Like any scene, just the character of this old woman not very cheerful. A second voice-over introduces the new film of Stephen Chatiliez resuming the teaser poster "You do not know yet but she already hates you," which denotes the character of pain in the ass of the title role.
4. This Is Spinal Tap (1984)
He is director of success such as "When Harry Met Sally ", " Misery" or "Sleepless in Seattle . But here I am talking about the first film by Rob Reiner "This is Spinal Tap . This documentary chronicles the woes of a Hard Rock band Spinal Tap English during his tour in the United States. Unless it's a fake documentary (or mockumentary as they say), everything has been invented since it actually a big comedy trend kidding. And to celebrate, Rob Reiner gave a teaser when it comes from his editing room. As he explains that the film is not ready, he will go instead something that has nothing to do: reporting on a cheese festival in a village in Denmark. It's a bit confusing, but it shows we are here to fool around.
5. Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra (2002)
In this film by Alain Chabat, it seems he invited everyone he loves with Jamel, Edouard Baer, Robin Hood etc. .. But there was someone to call. For if Chantal Lauby was there to represent Dummies, Dominique Farrugia is absent from the film. Do not worry, it was not so far away it is found in the teaser where he spent a false casting for the role of Cleopatra, a role which will be held ultimately by Monica Bellucci.
6. Psycho (1960)
If there is one who can play well with expectations and nerves of the spectators, it's Alfred Hitchcock. In this teaser, the master of suspense baffles us once again as it finds nothing better to do than we do in the guide sets in history. Starting from the motel to go through the house of the Bates family. The filmmaker tells us to the tragic events that took place there each time with a certain disgust (ironic is not it?). It then returns quietly, welcoming the motel, the first room, the bathroom ... You see what I mean? Come on, I'll let you watch this little gem where, without showing the film, we rediscover the pleasure of being lead by the nose for more than 6 minutes.
tomorrow to further my evil, I will prove that in the cinema, the best, this is not the movie but just before the pubs with first Happy place the popcorn pops.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Police Can Check For Insurance By Running Plates
Photo of Philip posing in front of his office
(1) "European style", this is how the official who received my complaint described the individual as I discovered in my house.
How Clean Car Headliner
This week, there were two annual events in France: Beaujolais nouveau and the Disney premiere at Le Grand Rex cinema in Paris .
I do not know what gives the 2010 version Beaujolais but what I can guarantee is that the cons by Disney this year, " Rapunzel" is a good thought.
Compared to last year we did not know what to expect from Disney. Their previous film, Princess and the Frog was a bit noisy, I think, by the effects of ad: "It's a return to 2D!", "Made by hand with pencils and not with computers! "," is the first black princess! ". It conditions us to see what Disney nostalgia of the old classic but with hindsight, "The Princess and the Frog" was good but nothing more.
While this year
Rapunzel comes to surprise us all by running the figures imposed by the Disney style. The story told here is (roughly) that of the Princess Rapunzel written by the Brothers Grimm . Namely a princess locked in a tower, with long hair with magical powers and rescued by a handsome boy who was passing in the corner.Except here, here, the princess is not the stooges of the brave adventurer. It was she who carries the story and see the fact of discovering the outside world out of its tower brings a gentle madness that is very appealing. His long hair it is both a weapon, a rope or a whip in Indiana Jones . As for the adventurer who accompanies him, he is neither prince nor charming. It's a bad boy thief a little show-off who is here to escort the princess in her journey.
Thus, it is not in the Gnan-gnan as some might expect. We're not kidding at all in the will as can suggest taglines posters or trailer. Certainly we see some very funny as a horse of the royal guard very dedicated and very effective, fighting with a skillet frying as the only weapon or a den of robbers, who all have incredible talent (but I will not say more ...).
But Rapunzel is also a film that can touch you. Already in its decorations: here is the 3D development in landscapes of vivid colors. Then, there are several scenes, several moments without dialogue, where designers are able to transcribe the very thoughts and emotions of the characters in their eyes. Finally, there is a very nice sequence where lanterns are suspended around the castle of the kingdom. Just this sequence on the big screen is moving and shows that we are in poetry to Disney. But you will understand with the Japanese trailer:
Finally a word about the casting of French voices. Disney has since made a relevant choice in the role of the thief attractive Romain Duris found in a register rather close to that of "The arnacoeur. By cons in the role of the wicked who kidnaps Rapunzel to rejuvenate and do less than his age through the power of his hair, they chose us ... Isabelle Adjani For its qualities as an actress of course but I must admit that the situation is rather comical.
All this ultimately guarantees a entertainment where you can go with your children ... But you can also go without!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Whats Mya Diamonds Real Name
Rémi Gaillard has released a new video and as usual, is a hit, a hit, I said that an immediate success! Dailymotion published yesterday, this video has inspired the Godfather already been viewed over 450,000 times!
Only me, it poses a small problem. Because I've seen this idea.
Not since he was 10 years ago, where on the Comedy channel, at the time when such Kad and Olivier Carton on the big issue . But there was also on this channel specialized English program entitled "Trigger Happy TV . In this program, a man Dom Joly was used to make jokes on the street based on wacky costumes or happenings in the street ... A bit like "Who you know". And so this sketch of a ransom left in a parking garage to a nobody in a parking garage, it is also found in Trigger Happy TV this video :
Admittedly, similarity is a bit disturbing. But to those who tell me that is a coincidence, I want to believe you.
Let's talk about something more positive with Rémi Gaillard who is organizing a competition on Dailymotion where they must redo the lift his gag, gag is to play a situation in an elevator that was to surprise called the elevator. Remi is an example and its original videos with a party in the elevator, a squat of a rasta ...
Well you tell me I'm looking for the little beast but it also existed in Trigger Happy TV.
To those who think I am exaggerating and that it's still a chance I invite you to read a post I made on 10 years of Rémi Gaillard , showing that he had used several times already in the gags in the show Trigger Happy TV.
Where it makes me a bit angry is that on one hand, with the experience he has, I do not understand that it is still necessary today as "crutches" in pumping up in the ideas of others and especially a program in English because she is old and unknown in France. And secondly, do I lift, do not allow to come to complain as it did with Daniel Schneidermann saying he wanted to sympathize with Chris and Michael Youn Dechavanne but that he was bitten ideas.
I am very disappointed because Rémi Gaillard someone I like a lot but there least we can expect people we like is that it can be honest with you and I'm sorry but there, Remi you got fucked!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Connecting Korg N5 To Garageband
Yesterday evening on Canal +, no box Questions, SAv emissions of Omar and Fred or weather Charlotte Lebon. No, yesterday evening on Canal + the great newspaper has been shortened after the intervention of Nicolas Sarkozy. I was accustomed to issuing Denisot, it was an opportunity for me to see (as they say) if the grass is greener elsewhere.
And occure, I discovered the series "Scenes of households . We knew that M6 could be creative and daring in series with Camera Cafe , Kaamelott or The Blues - First steps in the Police . But M6 continues to innovate with "Scenes of households," a series that has nothing to do with " A guy, a girl " series, which occupied the previously schedule 8:05 p.m..
It does not look very "A guy, a girl" ... Except perhaps:
-c 'is a short program consisting of skits than 30 seconds to 1 minute
-sketches in question depict a man and a woman couple
-realization is a fixed plane
The supporting cast-exist but have a very on-
There was an actress who comes from the family Lamy (Alexandra for "Un gars, une fille", Audrey for "Scene of households)
-The situations they live are very pragmatic, everyday for one identifies with them .
Seriously, "Scenes from" reminds me of a stolen car that was disguised so that one does not notice the similarity. Thus, instead of differences as the failure to stage a couple but 3 couples of different generations, unlike "A guy, a girl," the supporting cast are fully shown on screen.
But where this series for me really stands out from the series of Chouchou and Loulou, it sought to do the same but worse. Namely, where Jean Dujardin Alexandra and loved each other and were confused, "Scenes of households" only keep the "funny business" since that is what we sell in the title, concept and in the credits . I find it not super attractive and it does not give me want to attach myself to the characters. All situations also happen indoors, unfortunately it is limited to what is happening at home and not elsewhere. But the big difference is that the valves on the married life are great weaklings. Personally, it made me just smile.
Plus, I'm probably the only one because apparently the series has never both market.
We could perhaps go further than this simplistic concept that does not go further than its title and inspiration from the American series "Modern Family " by ensuring that all 3 couples know each other, or (why not) they are part of the same family or same building ...
But I do not want to make this event a generality, M6 can sometimes really surprise us too. The proof is with X-Factor, which will soon replace the New Star. As a reminder, New Star was a TV hook-casting with the 4 corners of France, with a jury of three men and one woman , scroll to see young people who want to become singer. While X-Factor , it has nothing to do, it's a remote hook with casting the 4 corners of France, with a jury of three men and one woman , are paraded in front of young people who want to become a singer ... but also people young at heart as there is no age limit! Steve Jobs looks like in the Puppets "is a revolution."