Lately, people from writing The Post made themselves out by saying that the best in a film, it was the beginning then the end, then the generic ...
But personally, I think that by dint of scatter, they have missed the point. The best in movie, sometimes it is not in the movie is the teaser.
In order to sell us a movie, use this tool which is the promotional trailer montage giving an overview of the film and cast. However, prior to advertisement To this soundtrack, there is the teaser of the English verb meaning Tease tease. The teaser suggests more than it reveals, and so the developer can fully enjoy playing the card of mystery, humor or irony in what he reveals the film ...
is a small selection of these completely subjective trailers like no other.
1. We know the song (1997)
This film by Alain Resnais brings together a fine cast regulars with the filmmaker (Sabine Azema, Andre Dussolier, Pierre Arditi ...). But this film is primarily a concept regularly in the film, the characters start to sing songs to express themselves, not with their voices as in a musical but playback singing in the original song.
To keep the surprise of the original concept and original in French cinema, the director has issued a teaser which incorporates the principle completely opposite: the actors no longer sing in playback singing but without recite song lyrics with their own voices .
2. Austin Powers 2 - The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999)
is the highly anticipated new installment of a franchise famous ... that comes at the same time (just weeks) another episode of a franchise well known ... Namely: Star Wars - Episode 1: The Phantom Menace . Rather than worry about this, Mike Myers instead prefers to emphasize the same joke over and with what appears to be Darth Vader. Except ...
So this teaser so we sold the film under the slogan: "If you do a movie this summer, see Star Wars. But if you go see two movies: Check out Austin Powers! ". Enough air, I think.
3. Auntie Danielle (1989)
Here the teaser is minimalist. A simple voice-over reads a classified ad to put the story (which can take care of Auntie Danielle?). Like any scene, just the character of this old woman not very cheerful. A second voice-over introduces the new film of Stephen Chatiliez resuming the teaser poster "You do not know yet but she already hates you," which denotes the character of pain in the ass of the title role.
He is director of success such as "When Harry Met Sally ", " Misery" or "Sleepless in Seattle . But here I am talking about the first film by Rob Reiner "This is Spinal Tap . This documentary chronicles the woes of a Hard Rock band Spinal Tap English during his tour in the United States. Unless it's a fake documentary (or mockumentary as they say), everything has been invented since it actually a big comedy trend kidding. And to celebrate, Rob Reiner gave a teaser when it comes from his editing room. As he explains that the film is not ready, he will go instead something that has nothing to do: reporting on a cheese festival in a village in Denmark. It's a bit confusing, but it shows we are here to fool around.
5. Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra (2002)
In this film by Alain Chabat, it seems he invited everyone he loves with Jamel, Edouard Baer, Robin Hood etc. .. But there was someone to call. For if Chantal Lauby was there to represent Dummies, Dominique Farrugia is absent from the film. Do not worry, it was not so far away it is found in the teaser where he spent a false casting for the role of Cleopatra, a role which will be held ultimately by Monica Bellucci.
6. Psycho (1960)
If there is one who can play well with expectations and nerves of the spectators, it's Alfred Hitchcock. In this teaser, the master of suspense baffles us once again as it finds nothing better to do than we do in the guide sets in history. Starting from the motel to go through the house of the Bates family. The filmmaker tells us to the tragic events that took place there each time with a certain disgust (ironic is not it?). It then returns quietly, welcoming the motel, the first room, the bathroom ... You see what I mean? Come on, I'll let you watch this little gem where, without showing the film, we rediscover the pleasure of being lead by the nose for more than 6 minutes.
tomorrow to further my evil, I will prove that in the cinema, the best, this is not the movie but just before the pubs with first Happy place the popcorn pops.
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