Emmanuel, uh, you dredges gays showing your ass like that? "
What have I considered this question, apparently mocking, with the utmost seriousness. Philippe knows the secrets of life and the universe, it flies with the spirits and speak with the gods, what he says is never trivial. Indeed, despite my denials laboring to avert the fatal omen, it is a young man who seems to have been irresistibly drawn to my plastic. It sounds crazy but less than six hours after Philip had made his premonition, it was accomplished in a manner relentless.

Photo of Philip posing in front of his office
I never thought I would kick myself naked on a young man of nineteen years, I was going to seize him by force to push the toilet and keep it there for long minutes, until my son was forced to call the forces of order to stop this abhorrent situation. I imagine that you yourself have difficulty in designing a bright boy like me could have been an actor in such a shame but that is the exact truth on real events having taken place on the night of Friday to Saturday.
This Nov. 20, went to bed at two o'clock in the morning, I was not asleep when, fifteen minutes later I heard a noise on the ground floor and the stairs that goes upstairs. Thinking it was my son, I rose to ask him to be more discreet in his nocturnal visits. Strangely, not reversed in the stairs when I opened the door of my room. Astonished by this volte-face, I leaned over the railing to challenge my heir. That's when I preview, handsome young man of European type (1) frolicking in the entrance to my house, Kevin C revealed itself to me.
soon, burning to know him, I descended the stairs in my turn to throw myself on his neck. No sooner had I joined that I pressed the issue, I wanted to know him
"Who are you, what is your name, where are you from and what are you doing here?"
The charming Kevin, probably intimidated by the interest that he wore, perhaps even frightened by the harshness of our embrace, wanted to leave my home on the field and disarmingly youthful freshness and assured me not know what he was doing there. Unable to bring myself to let escape the object of my passions, so I pushed him down the toilet and keep it there, I must admit, against his will. Was that the exuberance within me, this was the desire to convince him to stay, the tone my voice was so high that my son down to turn his room.
At this stage of the story, I must say that if I scented with Chanel No. 5, I could say as Marilyn Monroe I does nothing at night. In other words, I sleep like the photo of my schedule of August, the mask less. So stark naked and accompanied by my son Kevin that I discovered in the toilet ... To end this torrid and can return to a more decent, I enjoined then contact the constabulary and me provide an indoor garment. By
a fluke, it happens that the two police officers invited to our little impromptu party already knew my new friend Kevin. Probably a little jealous of my good fortune, they decided to take him with them to another party taking place at the police already and melancholy, I saw them sink all three in the dark shaded from the light of their beacon.

(1) "European style", this is how the official who received my complaint described the individual as I discovered in my house.
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