I had already talked Shop Online " The series shop" that sold derivatives TV series (T-shirts, mugs ...) as well as replicas of props used by our favorite characters.
It is only about the series Dexter (who goes home on Canal + ) can be found on this site merchandising products enough ... troubling. There
first t-shirt Army Dexter . This T-Shirt Kaki it takes when Dexter commits his crimes at night.
If you get the urge to dress up as TV Serial-killer, you can purchase this t-shirt. With black leather gloves and a fake knife (or syringe), it can do, especially for the upcoming Halloween. Provided rather frighten those who know the series of course.
We spend a step up with a set of coasters packed in a wooden box. You should know that the coasters are clear glass, decorated with a bloodstain. Of transparent glass plates with blood ... A wooden box ... If you know the series, you see where I am coming ... Here are
the box coasters that mimics the box of trophies from Dexter!
If you get people who do not know the series, it's better not to use such an object, otherwise you'll just look like a crazy. And if you get people who know the series, there may be still a little uncomfortable because this box contains the trophies of Dexter box, that box where it archives between two glass plates with drops of blood that people 'they kill.Sure, it's a little murky. But if this article interests you, perhaps you want to pay you outright the REAL box. Since the carpenter who provides this kind of box set sells to the public and fans. By cons, as a collectible than a gadget, it cost a bit expensive .
But to please a friend fan the series, it is priceless ... But should not it going to his head either if you give him the toolbox.
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