soon as you publish a blog, it is curious to know readership. Beyond any comments left by regulars more or less faithful, we would like to know who comes to read and why. After all, if writing is a kind of seduction , it is logical to want to take stock (of business, you follow?). But thankfully, and no offense to some bastard , the Internet allows even provide relative anonymity for its users.
There are still tools that provide information keeper of the blog on the extent of his hearing. In the absence of information on the exact pedigree readers, these tools provide their geographic locations (who) and the title of their potential applications (why). Giving further connection statistics in terms of quantity, these data assimilated more than an income stock.
This morning, casting an eye on my "income statement", I notice that a surfer of Luxembourg landed, early yesterday evening, on my blog after having entered "how to dress sexy for my husband "on Google images.

not remember ever having written anything about art and how to dress that way, then I myself transcribe the sulfur in the famous query engine search by limiting the results to only images and effectively:

Google was already my friend (and Wikipedia, which allows me to hide my ignorance), but now I'm stuck! I write " CorpiƱo " in my article and that rascal Google interprets it as one of the best ways to awaken the libido of a husband. (It should recognize that we can not give entirely wrong).
Anyway, I can not help but imagine my reader ephemeral Luxembourg searching feverishly erotic accessory that makes it even more desirable land on the blog of a bald fifties tells his moods when he does not show her ass. If
by the merest chance she would return one day, I want her to know that I welcome, I hope that China's courtship (not a blog, eh, you still following?) Was crowned success and if the model that attracted his attention are still interested, she still has time to bring Barcelona to (free advertising and disinterested) for a torrid night New Year's Eve!

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