Once dead the dead couple and the illusions that went with it, if the story was long enough to have gained experience and especially if the heterogeneous mixture was allowed to fruit in the form of offspring Once satisfied with the instinct of reproduction, therefore, we should finally have a clear understanding and ability to draw knowing the profile of an "other" ideal. But according to formula, so now we know what we do not, we still do not know exactly what we want. We will therefore continue to proceed by elimination to draw the sketch of a loved one but you want by adding additional criteria disqualifying corresponding to unacceptable defects that we met with our ex.
In fact, we discriminate purely and simply, and we have more experience, the more we discriminate and, logically, the more we discriminate the more we reduce our chances of finding.
Take a random example: Imagine a male, divorced, early fifties, and living in the Prince -De-France with his two adult children.
an era discrimination: Our subject is wary of too large age differences in the couple will be limited to women aged 45 to 49 years, which still represents 2,213,590 women of our beautiful country ( Population by sex and detailed age at 1 st January 2010. INSEE downloadable there ).

2 nd discrimination: "Out of sight, away from the heart!" About Us delineate his hunting ground contours Island De-France. This region has 11,598,866 inhabitants, or 18.47% of 62,793,432 inhabitants.
Therefore, livestock present on the hunting ground of our subject is reduced to 18.47% of the 2,213,590 women enumerated in the previous chapter, either: 408,882 women.

hunting ground
3 rd discrimination: Already father of two children last major, the topic does not at all to engage in new fatherhood. Now he knows from experience that a woman who had no children will be angry (always the instinct of reproduction) before the menopause has put a final end to his hopes. He therefore sought a female of the species living alone and having already procreated.
By crossing these two tables, we can determine that these women represent 9.2% of 22,295,753 adult French women (I did not write "major"). Let
back to our flock of 408,882 women, a score of 37,617 single women that will not break our legs about their desire for motherhood.
There is a time for everything ...
4 th Discrimination: More than 37,000 women is huge I tell you. Yes but now, all these women, I remind you, are aged 45 to 49, how physically attractive? Most women do not age well, and our subject is still not ready to enter any ugly! You think I exaggerate? Take a test in a public space, station, street, supermarket and you'll see that out of twenty women in this age group, you'll be lucky if you find one drinking. Come on, one in twenty is well paid and that gives us 5% of our 37,617 or 1,881 women, which is still considerable.

5 th discrimination: We're here looking for a partner sentimental and not a simple "one night stand". This will require that the fair is also an intellectual level in line with that of our subject. Now in our example, it would appear that the subject has a IQ above 130. It does seem to say anything like that but in this case, there are only 1.93% of women who could deal on an equal footing with him on this ground that, applied to 1,881 candidates, leaving only 36 elected. Fewer people laughing there!
As my guru, Philippe , "genius is male!"
6 th discrimination: Again, are you thinking? Yes still discrimination, but it is not because of our subject. If it is reasonable to assume that only 5% of women in this age group are physically attractive to our subject, nothing guarantees that he will appeal to these women. To avoid sinking into misogyny most primitive (not my kind ...), it would be fair to estimate that conversely, it will appeal only 5% of these 36 women either ... only 2 women physically and intellectually compatible throughout the Ile-de-France .

Finally, he found more easily bitch with big tits!
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