Z'alut: D
now I get a lot of comments talking Raresel1, who allegedly tried to convince other I'm back on Club Penguin with Raresel1. I want to deny these rumors DEEPEST FROM MY HEART! I will never come back on Club Penguin If ya clear, or there must again billions of times? ! Should you one day you understand that this is well and truly over the life of Cassiopeia CP to make room for the dippy Brown Sugar, the only giga-ball in the sauce SPAG 'xD! Raresel1 is that an impostor who is trying become popular thanks to me, must believe! C'que I say ...? THE BOOT-Y FOUFOUNES xDD! Mercii prevented many of the penguin love me, it's cool to see that you have not forgotten;) I never forget you! Today, Valentine. Well? The Valentines have they confessed their love for their fabulous valentines? Me? ... Not dare. Even when you're a social butterfly at heart of gold, dippy by all sides (and not behind xD), we love the chocolate and stupidities ... we remain timid in his great love! Y'knoow ehhh xD!

I will never leave you, Cassiopeia, no matter what you mean when you will come to this.
And then I said what I had to say about it. Thank you to my loyal friends (especially NL xD) warned me of that! (: J'vous Aiime your Cassou-xxx-Happy Valentine's Day, it takes good or not!
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