A final PD bugging us! : D As it is useless to 10 comments, well we will answer them, let's go!
''It's time to hack LTIM uuu!''
Well c'mon hacked me, because there you will find nothing but defeat. ^ ^ Cause you do not know me. How to have fun on a penguin who is totally unknown to us, which we completely blackened by the unwavering desire to fly the penguin and keep him alive?
club penguin''No!''
You're entitled to dislike it. So, why you write it in front of everyone? Why are you trying to ruin the lives of others? Because we have wasted yours? Because you are dismissed and that your reason to hack? So think before you act, Noodle! = /
Other comments were similar or even similar. Paper waste virtual xD!
''Your jokes are not even funny Cassiopied (you break the feet)''

Brown Sugar-D-
PS All written here "are signed''The King''. If you know who it is, thank you very much! And if you see my penguin in the vicinity, be sure that it's not mine, although mercii (: I know there are many more in 2011 than in 2009 hackers, that's the main reason when I left, not to fall into the trap (DLP)!
Edit MODO Nico Link 1 NL / xNL:
Do not leave in fear. . . Since Club Penguin Storm, PC Storm ... What you want as software Triche (hacking) ... Were closed (For Club Penguin themselves:]) ...
The hacking was no decrease Moitiers ... But ¾ (Even if its wrong xD s'dis)
It leaves only ¼ of hacker ... And they are too busy to come say comments along the lines of King's we really Hacker:)
By the way, nice post Cassi:)!
MODO Nico Link 1 NL / xNL
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