Z'alut: D
This time, it is no Your simple ideas that you have the choice to participate or not ... Here is your business, yes yes xD EVERYONE xD (oh oh, the Japanese but you can stay with you xD) I just that. I left .. like Club Penguin, I wonder what I could do as the main theme of the site. Continue to talk about Club Penguin while there from time to time (style once a month to see how will my friends ...), or simply change the theme?! I need your opinion, and if you want us to change themes, go ahead xD! Guys, you can even suggest the sport I have no case against it xD: D And the girls, for example ... Tell me will not you please talk about Barbie j'vous balance because otherwise the window XD Joke Bah c'que tell me you want: P So, Brown Sugar SOS needs your opinion!

Answer me as soon as possible:)
-Brown Sugar-
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