A morning at gynestan Western
Valentin rises, it is 6 hours. He turned off the alarm on the first ring, as usual. In the next bed, Gertrude has only vaguely muttered before falling asleep again. Valentin left the room without turning on the light. He knows by heart the location of each pad, each and every toy trinkets that increase the intimacy of this room.
Valentin goes down the stairs, taking care to set foot on the side of the stairs. Is that it tends to squeak this old building! Arrived at the bottom of the stairs, he turned to the toilet on the ground floor, closes the door without slamming and after pointing the telescope, preparing urinating to right.
Unfortunately for him, a little morning erection prevents him from performing the operation simply. He will have to be back and leans forward, trusting to his sense of ballistics. Finally he relieves himself. As and when the bladder is empty and the erection diminishes, he straightens up and approaches the container, thinking finale. Alas, the final drops are treacherous and despite his efforts, the tile is actually dirty.
Valentin wipes the stains with some toilet paper that flows into the bowl, then picks up a paper towel soaked disinfectant, the happening on the ground already dry, throw it in turn and finally pulls the plug by pressing the button to save water. He leaves, not without the bezel back down and went straight into the bathroom.
After applying a depilatory cream on the chest and armpits and then having duly scraped skin, Valentin removes the residue of his hair with water from the shower. Once dried, half a lemon past the places concerned to avoid the redness and then a moisturizer to help skin to reform its natural protective film. Shave, aftershave, hair dryer, toothbrush and gel structure, it is time to stop focusing on the crisis itself.
arrived in the kitchen, Valentine began preparing breakfast. Nothing but fair trade products. Cereal and milk for children, black tea with bergamot along with bread and honey lime Organic Gertrude and the first of five fruits of day for each member each person in the family.
While the tea brews, Valentin has just enough time for a quick shine on the heels of his mate. It has for that pair of shoes on an old newspaper folded in four. While brushing, he read an article in mechanically
past :
"I came because my ex-wife has ruined my life. She took everything, my home, my salary and especially my children. Men have no rights! "Thomas is a father in rebellion. quadra This leached by life recounts his misfortune on the road that leads us to the venue. It was in a hotel Campaign Zurich, undisclosed location until the last moment that took place yesterday, the first Swiss Congress antifeminist.
Thomas unpacks everything: children who hate him because "their mother had conspired against" him, the charges of sexual touching up the paltry sum of money which he has a month to live.
Like all "anti-feminist," he was warned by text message that morning from a course designed to cover their tracks. "9 am 15 at the Zurich Airport, Terminal A. Sign "Seminar Egala. Take identity papers. "
The journalists agreed in writing not to disclose the place of rendezvous, nor the identity of participants. Each was then delivered as a route deep in the countryside.
Why so many precautions? Because of threats made by "leftist groups". Because the tags spray in the first village where the meeting was to take place, Uitikon.
There, seven speakers, all active associations in defense of battered men, abused or simply plucked from their wives, share 150 participants (including 8 women). Ubiquitous, the founder of antifeminist, Rene Kuhn, former politician UDC Lucerne, always accompanied by his beautiful Russian wife, Oksana. During
than downtown a few anti-anti-feminist activists demonstrate against the congress, discussions here revolve around the rights of divorced fathers and especially "feminist conspiracy". This lobby is so powerful that he managed to give more rights to women than men. "Equality is dead, we must fix it urgently!" Proclaims George Zimmermann of the German Association for the Defence of divorced men.
At 16 hours, the congress ended peacefully, Rene Kuhn is proud of his coup: he would never have succeeded in bringing together so many people without provocation is that the term anti-feminist. "
Valentine smiled, shaking
head gently and look at the date at the corner of the page: October 30, 2010 ... as it appears below. Fortunately, those days are gone.
Already 7 hours, shine shoes, it is time to wake the children. Rejane, the eldest, is brilliant at school and Valentin based high hopes in it. Sebastian, the youngest is a nice guy. Christmas is coming and we'll have to think seriously about the gifts. For his daughter's decided, Gertrude chose the latter polyfunctional tablet computer, an all in one that will allow Rejane to study, communicate, inform and entertain. Valentin remembers the toys he received when he was the age of her son: An array of cowboy, a saber star wars, a bike pedal ... Valentine secretly realizes that none of these toys n longer exists today, "and it's probably better that way," he thinks.
Before crossing the street, look carefully if any Valentin vehicle emerges from the fog is likely to overturn it. "The engine craft from my childhood were definitely aberrant from the perspective of sustainable development but at least we heard them coming from afar" to you it is surprising to think.
Once in the tram he broods in his home he has just left. Gertrude accompany children to school before going to work with their minivan. It's really a great woman Gertrude. She was pregnant when he Rejane known. He said he was lucky because it could well have made his life with another.
On leaving the tram, beggars visibly tipsy trying to collect some coins. Valentin's hard to understand how these men have come to this. "With all the social arrangements established by the administration, they have no excuse" grumbles you it internally. Of course, the opposition leader has beautiful game to speak out and accuse the minister of social agreement to take advantage. Valentine found that his arguments are valid but it is not convinced by this seasoned politician. Anyway, politics is not his thing, and he does not understand all the subtleties.
Arriving at work, hello Matilda, his Head of Service, carefully avoiding looking into her cleavage. Like many women, Matilda became again the chest at the expense of social security in the framework of "bodily harmony for all" through which it could assert its rights.
Valentin joined his place in front of his screen and immediately goes to work. He gets along well with his various colleagues who do the same job as him, but he got to know them. It is always a little wary of Jose, the big brown always tanned. Of course, it does no credit to the gossip who claim he is the occasional lover Mathilde. This is even more absurd that Mathilde is married and a mother. However, it is thin enough to have noticed that there is still a certain complicity between them. One example that always Jose Matias asked to wear the files she brings home. Must that the official car of Mathilde is parked in the third basement car park management and that Jose is rather strong.
The break of 10 hours. Valentin adjusts her hair and checks his look in the mirror the men's washroom. Walking through the corridors with a shirt tail coming out of pants or a wick in the ear is the kind of situation that would avoid as much as possible. Although this is rare, it can happen that the president of the group is caused to move in the corridors of his service.
arrived in the break room, Valentine uses a green tea with mint. He would have preferred a smoothy apple-citrus but is afraid to do it bigger, and that he does not want at any price!
In a corner of the room, slouched in a chair for relaxation, there is Bernard, a type of middle age a bit bald. Bernard Wood and a black coffee without sugar, its appearance is somewhat neglected. It seems he was inclined to drink since he was placed in transitional housing by the judge handling his divorce. Valentin almost sorry for him upon seeing him. The chewing gum he chews regularly conceal his breath but the smell of his clothes betray him: Bernard smokes during the day and more importantly, his place of work. If he is caught in the act is immediate dismissal. What a mess! Finally, it is not surprising that his wife had wanted to leave, he should even have it coming.
Valentin turns away from Bernard, throws his glass into the trash that cleaning man comes to empty, then looks at his watch. It is time to return to work, more than two hours before breakfast.