an aside: Given special relationship existed between Emile and Louis, I will not mention the rudeness of the further aspect basely emoluments of my quest. No stories in price between friends.

There is a time for everything ...
4 th Discrimination: More than 37,000 women is huge I tell you. Yes but now, all these women, I remind you, are aged 45 to 49, how physically attractive? Most women do not age well, and our subject is still not ready to enter any ugly! You think I exaggerate? Take a test in a public space, station, street, supermarket and you'll see that out of twenty women in this age group, you'll be lucky if you find one drinking. Come on, one in twenty is well paid and that gives us 5% of our 37,617 or 1,881 women, which is still considerable.
As my guru, Philippe , "genius is male!"
6 th discrimination: Again, are you thinking? Yes still discrimination, but it is not because of our subject. If it is reasonable to assume that only 5% of women in this age group are physically attractive to our subject, nothing guarantees that he will appeal to these women. To avoid sinking into misogyny most primitive (not my kind ...), it would be fair to estimate that conversely, it will appeal only 5% of these 36 women either ... only 2 women physically and intellectually compatible throughout the Ile-de-France .
My previous text is definitely misleading (indeed, this is not my text). The nightmarish vision of women to work outside is as exaggerated as the idyllic vision of the housewife. Before harvesting vegetables from the garden had to spend hours at work and whether unions lasted longer in the past, this does not mean they were synonymous with happiness (neither one nor the other, by the way).
However, this text is not totally free of certain truths, to me at least:
1 / The status of the housewife has been devalued to the point that gives a picture of a gourd or of lazy women "inactive". Yet a well kept home is the foundation of a harmonious couple, even if some household tasks may be entrusted to an external provider, it will never replace the "hostess". It may make your home clean and orderly, but never warm. All things being equal, a man much prefer a woman knowing simmer a dish rather than ruling over-booked.
2 ° / The roles of men and women have seriously complicated as and when the emancipation of the latter. To resume use of the current newspeak, it's a lose-lose situation. By mimicking male behavior, women have also recovered the flaws. their consumption of alcohol and especially tobacco tends to closer to that of men with adverse consequences that implies. An effect of stress?
Beyond a detrimental effect on their health, working women have also discovered an unintended consequence related to their new status: the difficulty in finding a partner.
This little dialogue between "Executive Woman" (EW) "Sexy Friend" (SF) in the pool just illustrate this difficulty. I'm not saying that is EG, you can easily find:
(Note: Especially for MCM: you can enlarge images by clicking on it.)
EW: Pete did not called. I was good and nice to him but it did not work. It did not work either with the other men I loved and wanted to meet recently.
SF: I think you know what your problem. Once the man of your date realizes you're an executive who earns over 250,000 a year, they stop seeing you.
( EG: Yes, I know the phrase from the singular to the plural ending ...)
SF: Men seem to be afraid of powerful women. I guess that makes them feel powerless in the relationship.
EW: is amazing as our limbic system or mammalian brain, controls our cortex and dominates our rational thinking to this day. I do not know what to do.
SF: Well you'd better buy a car more dated, to wear head of cheaper without losing your sexy side. Tell them that the role you play in your company is not so important. Give yourself more dependent without losing your independence. Over time they will feel safer with you and their primitive brain will stop feeling threatened and begin to see things from a different perspective. If they feel that you respect and that you will not leave them because they make less money and also that you support them in their life decisions, their brains chimpanzee feel reassured, calm and they will stop the fighting or attempts leakage.
( EG: I worry fuck me brains of chimpanzees. Allez hop, soup served hot and on time ... and in corset and high heels!)
"Do not give up, it is so fragile ... "
I was not sure how to translate "corpiño" so I looked for images
Tarantino has the meaning of the image (too bad he is often associated with a poor screenplay).
Rest In Peace