Windows phone they take us for idiots?
I remember a skit of unknown where they played on stage with cynical advertising ethics was "Never take people for idiots but do not forget they are."
This kind of reasoning came back to mind when I saw the two pubs that currently go on TV to sell us the Microsoft Smartphone. Rather than extol the qualities of the product, the advertisements in question prefer to be provocative about the habits of users of these phones with multiple applications. Basically, the ad attacking us. But before going further, here are the evidences.
Everyone looks at her door and can interpret this campaign in many ways. For my part, I made three assumptions about what Microsoft had in mind.
Hypothesis 1: "Look how ridiculous you are when you behave like rags with your phones. By cons, if you buy ours, it has nothing to do with before."
Hypothesis 2: "smartphones competitors (iPhone, are you there?) offered too many applications, too many services. That's why Microsoft offers another mobile phone but a bit worse than others for months that you are addicted. "
Hypothesis 3: " smartphones, it rots your life. That's why we step in selling you ... uh ... well ... uh Smartphone "(here, here).
After Windows phone itself, I do not know what it is but I guess it must be a good product. But what's on, what this is not by paying my face I will not hold my iphone 4 to move to competition.
So if the ad agency of Windows phone took us for Gogos, to choose, I prefer the "Phone" Lady Gaga.
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