sing As Jean-Louis Aubert: " Voilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa is finished! "
Tonight Secret Story will end after its 15th week and we'll see it Benoit wins the 150,000 winner. Since there are still
4 candidates involved, make a tour d'horizon of opportunities to win with their strengths and weaknesses.
Secret: I'm mentalist
Strengths: Good-
speech, polite, clean him and not too dumb: he has a profile of an ideal son-in-
had the deserves to take the game at 1 degree: he is fully participating in the hunt for secrets and holds the record of the game with 3 secrets found.
-his secret itself is a strong point: it's still a mentalist as in the eponymous series of TF1 and that is remarkable ... for those who believe!
Exactly, there to those who do not and think these are the secrets to the fact that he cheated. But recall that that much has not been proven, it enjoys the presumption of innocence. By
-cons, he cheated on two secret missions on which he confided to Stephanie every time. The voice did not fail to punish him for that and even if he is released, it's a little stain on his record.
-Se sometimes playing the candidates about the secrets (since he is a mentalist) and being a leader of his clan (the team-P), it is sometimes passed for someone a little conceited, which has sometimes been challenged.
Secret my exes are in the house
-it's a nice kid.
"It is also a figure of virtue since it is past the dreaded seducer profile to that of man deeply in love with his sweetheart (albeit in a marriage can).
-Il has managed to place in the finals despite having long been in the minority clan (the family)
-It received support from the prod too seeing through: 2 immunities fallen the sky that guaranteed one month into the game and its overexposure Couple ad nauseam, including marriage, fake baby ...
-Even if the couple who took in the game, he remained in the shadow of his beloved Amelia has often sintered with the candidates when he was down. This suggests that it is she who wears the pants as they say ...
-Apart from the girls he has seduced, he has not really related to complicity with the other candidates.
Secret my exes are in the house
"It is the only female among the finalists
-It 's good friend ! She's cute, not too quiet or too flashy. It assumes its role of confidant to Bastien. In short, it is nice!
-Although she's never tried to get her ex Senna, it was often the scapegoat of Amelia, the darling of Senna, which victimizes.
-has a reputation as a man-eater because it has accumulated 3 exes in the house (Senna, Robin, Maxime)
-has been very discreet when scruples about having recovered nearly 67 000 that Bastien has assigned on a whim. Especially it is ready to report, if it does not win tonight .
-relationship she had with Maximus seemed very bland next to that of Senna and Amelie as they were a couple gnan-gnan who was content to be discreet kisses ... Not quite worthy of the real-TV, that ...
Secret We are the couple's favorite fake Internet
Strengths: If
-Secret Story is a show, he has understood since it makes the show! Always the first to laugh, partying and dancing, he has always shown a good spirit and good humor are a pleasure to see.
-He has a formidable distributed, often the right word at the right time and the boys Gayssip duet he did with Thomas (the famous Brigitte and Josie) allowed us to properly laugh.
-Even if it's a crazy all out there, it's primarily a gay candidate appears on TV. And if he wins, it will annoy some homophobic (and that's good news).
"He never got hidden secrets to hunting, it gives him a little above his head. Not that he was often wrong (as Thomas, for example) he just never really tried. It has long-
sent over other candidates picks in their backs to please the right word. But such gossip could have one side "language of p * te".
-did not seem to have much general knowledge. On the Internet, we saw read a question on Pierre Desproges Apéricube, we gave Peter " Dèsseprogue . At the same time, have general knowledge, this is not what we are asking a candidate to reality TV.
I could play it by saying that I'll risk a prediction, but we know about who will win and even in what order. Besides, I have the same shift as the site of Morandini:
4th: Senna
3rd: Stephanie
2nd: Bastien
Winner: Benoit
Now what remains to be seen Tonight, if we are entitled as a surprise (but I do not think too much ...)
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