Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How Much Do Football Visors Cost

Video Mariaa456 (:

Z'alut: D

It was not long ago, eh Ouii, I came back to CP for a 'tit tip, story too long to not drag me bury requests xD! As I told you, I go back every month. Remember, I'll come back for my birthday which is happening soon: D In short, my story about CP is not completely completed, it will end only when I will disappear suddenly when I do give more news ... And that's pretty much in several months, xD Do not Panic! So Mariaa456 made a video of her and her friends, and took photos with me while I was doing ... My condolences to PC with my good z'amis who knew not the word! Here's a preview:
Well, Okai, xD s't'un little confused, but we see perfectly Mariaa456 smiling xD ... Worse me beside Pepper, my little pepper, the white puffle which began to attract my attention on the puffles especially as other previous years, you know? Legend Ninja, nothing better to appease a white puffle = My original recipe: He put salt or hardening of the paint on the nose xD! And you, what are your fondest memories of CP? Brown Sugar-

Mariaa456 PS The video is on Facebook because I do not know the URL of this video. Grr, you're brown sugar high -''


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