One of the buzzwords in the France of the early twenty-first century is undoubtedly the word "discrimination". Used to rhyme, it serves as a shield for many offenders who deploy as a smokescreen to hide atrocities and their perpetrators, to dress up as victims. If you talk about young immigrant living in a city dangerous, you discrimination ... discrimination and racism, there is a (very small) step. So you speak of "city youth" without specifying what "Young" and what "neighborhoods" you're referring to. Everyone will understand you, despite the deliberate vagueness of your statement and totally hypocritical though, you need not fear the condemnation of right-thinking because in Soviet French, it is better to be a scoundrel than a proven racist potential.
To fight against this odious discrimination, one would think that the proper approach would be a reaffirmation of this principle Republican
"Men are born and remain free and equal in rights"
Well not at all, it is not egalitarianism that opposes discrimination but ... another form of discrimination: the "positive" discrimination .
There would be a good and bad discrimination? "Positive discrimination" and a "negative discrimination"? Without look far, it sniffs the air very fast in time which falls within the oxymoron or redundant.
Thus feminism claims to fight against machismo, misogyny, misandry cons and cons parity sexism, as if an injustice could erase another, as if a plague could eradicate the other.
To fight against this odious discrimination, one would think that the proper approach would be a reaffirmation of this principle Republican
"Men are born and remain free and equal in rights"
Well not at all, it is not egalitarianism that opposes discrimination but ... another form of discrimination: the "positive" discrimination .
There would be a good and bad discrimination? "Positive discrimination" and a "negative discrimination"? Without look far, it sniffs the air very fast in time which falls within the oxymoron or redundant.
Thus feminism claims to fight against machismo, misogyny, misandry cons and cons parity sexism, as if an injustice could erase another, as if a plague could eradicate the other.

Boulevard of affirmative
This Saturday, I picked a couple of friends at the Montparnasse station. It was very beautiful and I was ready to return quietly to the east of Paris via the boulevard of the same name. It was then that I felt it to be a victim of discrimination means.
Indeed, wanting to travel on what was formerly a Parisian boulevard has very serious consequences. Instead of trying to convince my friends to finish their journey by public transport, or better still in vélib I selfishly agreed to make available my spacious vehicle. In doing so, I have not had the slightest thought to the enormous quantity of carbon dioxide that my wild journey did not fail to generate. Guilty of discrimination against pedestrians, cyclists, prams, strollers, pigeons, sparrows, and other citizens, non-polluting models, so it was just that I am, in my turn, the victim of a punishment commensurate with my fault.
Therefore, and following a coercive logic developed by the political commissars ecology triumphant, it was urgent to transform this simple trip ordeal. This imbecility that is to cause traffic congestion by reducing traffic lanes of the bastards of motorists to a minimum will certainly convince my friends, the next time they travel, crossing the RER turnstiles with their two travel bags, their dog and their daughter for five years unless they can to cram it all in panière of ... a vélib
And worst of all this is that the concept of catastrophic "positive discrimination" is not illuminated in green, far from it. There is even a very senior official that we proposed, there is little to institutionalize ...
Indeed, wanting to travel on what was formerly a Parisian boulevard has very serious consequences. Instead of trying to convince my friends to finish their journey by public transport, or better still in vélib I selfishly agreed to make available my spacious vehicle. In doing so, I have not had the slightest thought to the enormous quantity of carbon dioxide that my wild journey did not fail to generate. Guilty of discrimination against pedestrians, cyclists, prams, strollers, pigeons, sparrows, and other citizens, non-polluting models, so it was just that I am, in my turn, the victim of a punishment commensurate with my fault.
Therefore, and following a coercive logic developed by the political commissars ecology triumphant, it was urgent to transform this simple trip ordeal. This imbecility that is to cause traffic congestion by reducing traffic lanes of the bastards of motorists to a minimum will certainly convince my friends, the next time they travel, crossing the RER turnstiles with their two travel bags, their dog and their daughter for five years unless they can to cram it all in panière of ... a vélib
And worst of all this is that the concept of catastrophic "positive discrimination" is not illuminated in green, far from it. There is even a very senior official that we proposed, there is little to institutionalize ...
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