Established in an area of activity of the "9-3" I of course regular visits of people from turning
For those who do not know, a cash payment by credit card is not free for the merchant. A commission is deducted proportionately by the bank on each transaction. In my case, the committee had a floor that made the deals under 28.50 € uros too expensive for my taste. So I decided not to accept payment by credit card below that amount.

apple of discord
The vast majority of my clients accepted the provision that I always took care to argue, and settled in cash or arranging to exceed this threshold. Others, fortunately a minority, did not accept it and decided not to buy anything from me, which was certainly unfortunate for my turnover but quite legitimate. As to pests, despite my efforts to try to make them understand my position, they always react the same way and prancing fool: "You have no right!"
It is astonishing that many people, even though they are probably a minority, believe that the merchant MUST accept payment by credit card "from 15 € uros (!? !) and therefore have the RIGHT to require that the infamous shopkeeper who receives them in his store bends to their will and "the law"!?! About the famous law, I amused myself on several occasions to deliver goods to one who would give me. As well tell you right now, this proposal has never cost anything because nobody has been able to bring me a bill that does not exist.

Corpus delicti
Beyond all the threats more or less comic and all agencies avengers who did not fail to look at my practice "illegal" (police, justice , DGCCRF, Bank Card, 60 million consumers, etc.). I always watched those individuals with a certain fear (just before the shit at the door) as it is, in my opinion, with this kind of characters that one creates perfect little Nazis.
You and I as consumers, have absolute power, that of buying or not buying a product, if indeed that competition exists and is not distorted. On second thought, this power is huge because no company is too big it can not afford to see its long term sales decline and its products remain in store, especially if they are perishable!
You probably see where I'm coming from? Food remaining to rot on the shelves are a net loss for the entire industry that sells you the producer to the distributor. If you find that the yogurt, pasta or ham are too expensive you can not buy more, nothing says you have to and if you absolutely must get you, you can select the cheapest product, which will produce the same effect on the product too expensive: it will remain on the shelf.
This mechanism is called competition and I do not pretend to make you discover but when I read that the government "created an observatory of prices and margins that suppliers and distributors will explain how they build their prices ", I feel as discomfort. When I see the" den mother "of the opposition calls of" control urgently margins of supermarkets ", I wonder whether to laugh or cry.
I am sure that those customers who have the RIGHT pay for their purchases with credit card find perfectly legitimate for the government to come recover the fair price of foodstuffs. If that's not enough, they probably will approve the creation of "state store" where they can buy their pasta and ham at a price fixed by the Ministry of Food. And then as we will be the Ministry of Health will determine the ideal diet (with five fruits and vegetables) and there will be no problems margins "unreasonable". Besides we all know, when is the state that sets the price, the consumer is saved, just smoking or refuel fuel to realize.

In the state store, the customer is king!
Nazism is often seen, mistakenly, as a dictatorship more "capitalist" and "socialist" because private ownership of means of production was not abolished by the Nazis. In reality, the Nazi concepts were on that front, close to those of the Bolsheviks, for example, early in the Third Reich, traders were deported to Dachau because they had raised their prices. Nothing in Munich, 200 people were arrested in 1933, while their shops were sealed and barred a sign indicating: "Store closed on the orders of the police due to price increases, owner remanded at Dachau." (Ref: Der Staat Hitlers, Martin Broszat).